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Primary Care Triple P

Primary Care Triple P is a brief targeted intervention in a one-to-one format that assists parents to develop parenting plans to manage behavioral issues (e.g. tantrums, fighting, going shopping) and skill development issues (e.g. eating independently, toilet training, staying in bed at night). These focused consultations are carried out in the course of providing routine health care for all health professionals. Practitioners provide 3-4 sessions (15-30 minutes each) over a period of 4-6 weeks. Sessions can be done in person, over the phone, or as a combination of both. 

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Families Suitable For This Course:

Parents or caregivers who benefit from Primary Care Teen Triple P are those with a specific concern about their teenager’s behavior and who prefer one-to-one consultations. They are likely to benefit when their teenager’s behavior problems are mild and uncomplicated by a high level of family stress. Parents receiving this intervention sometimes then choose to do a Group Teen Triple P course if problems persist. 

To Inquire About Primary Care Triple P

Please Contact: (925) 689-5811.

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